Meeting Notes 7/31 NVC Call

    We talked about one of the basic assumptions that creates the foundation for NVC, which is the belief that it is in our nature to enjoy giving a receiving in a compassionate manner. NVC is a way of thinking, speaking, and listening that lets us give from the heart, connect with ourselves, and with each other in a way that lets our natural compassion flourish. It’s pretty clear that a lot of people are NOT operating from a position of compassion. Why not? What gets in our way of compassion? Our society is operated with “domination structures” – some people are better than others and get to control others, other…

  • NVC

    NVC Needs List

    Everyone has different needs in different amounts or intensities at different times. However, in general, these needs are universal in all of us. When our needs are met we experience enjoyable emotions; when they are unmet we experience more difficult emotions. There are different ways to categorize words for needs. This list of 9 categories is drawn from the work of Manfred Max-Neef. These are examples. We all use different vocabulary to express our needs. AutonomyAuthenticityChoiceDignityEaseFreedomIndependenceIntegrityPowerSelf-RespectSpaceSpontaneity BelongingAcceptanceCommunityCooperationInclusionMutualityPartnershipSupportTo know and be knownTo see and be seen CreativityBeautyDiscoveryExplorationGrowthLearningSelf-expression EmpathyAppreciationClarityCommunicationCompassionConnectionHonestyUnderstanding LoveAffectionCompanionshipFriendshipIntimacy MeaningAlivenessBalanceCelebrationChallengeCompetenceConsciousnessContributionCreativityEffortHopeInspirationLiving FullyOrderParticipationProgressPurposeReflection RecreationAdventureCelebrationExcitementHumorFlowFunJoyLaughterMourningPlayRestStimulation SafetyHarmonyPeace (external)Peace of mindProtectionSecurityStabilityTrust SustenanceAirShelterSexual expressionFood & WaterMovement/exerciseRest/sleepTouch

  • NVC

    NVC Feelings List

    There are no positive or negative emotions, just emotions we feel when our needs are met and emotions we feel when our needs are not met. Marshall Rosenberg Note – Watch out for feeling words than could be taken as an interpretation of the other person’s motivations. Some examples are “abandoned” or “attacked”. Possible Feelings When Our Needs Are Satisfied AFFECTIONATEcompassionatefriendlyfondlovingopenheartedsympathetictenderwarm CONFIDENTempoweredopenproudsafesecure ENGAGEDabsorbedalertcuriousengrossedenchantedenthralledentrancedfascinatedinterestedintriguedinvolvedopenspellboundstimulated EXCITEDamazedanimatedardentarousedastonisheddazzledenergeticenlivenedenthusiasticexuberantgiddyinvigoratedlivelypassionatesurprisedvibrant EXHILARATEDblissfulecstaticelatedenthralledexuberantradiantrapturouselectrifiedeuphoricoverjoyedthrilled GRATEFULappreciativemovedthankfultouched HAPPYamusedblissfulcheerfuldelightedecstaticelatedgiddygladjollyjoyfuljubilantmerryoverjoyedpleasedrapturoustickled HOPEFULconfidentencouragedexpectantjazzedlightheartedoptimisticsanguineupupbeat INSPIREDamazedawedeagerenthusedmotivatedmovedpsychedstimulatedstirredwonder JOYFULamuseddelightedgladhappyjubiliantpleasedtickled PEACEFULcalmcenteredclear-headedcomfortablecontentequanimousfulfilledmellowopenquietrelaxedrelievedsatisfiedserenestilltranquiltrusting REFRESHEDrechargedrejuvenatedrenewedrestedrestoredrevived Possible Feelings When Our Needs Are Unsatisfied ANGERaggravatedanimosityannoyedcontemptdisgruntledenragedexasperatedfurioushatehostileincensedindignantirateirritatedirkedlividmiffednettledoutragedpeevedresentful ANNOYANCEaggravateddismayeddisgruntleddispleasedexasperatedfrustratedimpatientirritatedirked AVERSIONanimosityabhorrenceappalledbotheredcontemptdispleaseddisgustdislikeenmityhorrifiedhostileloathingrepulsionrevulsion CONFUSIONambivalentbaffled bewilderedconflicteddazeddiscombobulateddisorientedhesitantlostmixedmystifiedperplexedpuzzledtorn DISCONNECTEDalienatedaloofapatheticboredclosedcolddetacheddistantindifferentlistlessnumbremovedwithdrawn DISQUIETagitatedalarmedconcerneddistraughtdisconcerteddismayeddisturbedfrustratedperturbedrattledrestlessshockedstartledsurprisedtroubledturbulentturmoiluncomfortableuneasyunnervedunsettledupset EMBARRASSMENTashamedchagrineddiscomfitedflusteredmortifiedself-conscious FATIGUEbeatburnt outdepletedexhaustedlethargiclistlesspoopedsleepytiredwearywiped outworn out FEARafraidanxiousapprehensivedreadfearfulforebodingfrightenedguardedinsecureleerymistrustfulpanickedpetrifiedscaredshakysuspiciousterrifiedtrepidationwaryworried PAINachingagonyanguishedbereaveddevastatedgriefheartbrokenhungryhurtinglonelymiserableregretfulremorseful SADNESSdepresseddejecteddespairingdespondentdisappointeddiscourageddisheartenedforlorngloomyheavy-heartedhopelessmelancholymiserableunhappywistfulwretched TENSEanxiousclosedcrankydistresseddistraughtedgyfidgetyfrazzledfrustratedirritablejitterynervousoverwhelmedrestlessstressed out VULNERABLEfragileguardedhelplessinsecureleeryreservedsensitiveshaky YEARNINGenviousjealouslongingnostalgicpiningwistful

  • NVC

    NVC at a Glance

    Nonviolent Communication (NVC) helps turn around the negative patterns that keep us from the joyful, compassionate giving and receiving that is in our true natures. The language and process of NVC is honestly expressing ourselves and empathically hearing others through four components. 1. Observations – the concrete things we see and hear If I say “You’re rude” you may disagree or feel defensive. If I say “When you walked in you did not say hello to me” we have a neutral starting place for our discussion. 2. Feelings – how we feel in relation to our observations If I say “I feel like an idiot” I am making a judgement…

  • Burn Life

    TTM24 Spoon Commune Financials

    I finalized the financials for Spoon Commune for To The Moon 2024. I took in $175.00 in dues. I spent $2689.12 on theme camp materials. Some of that is recurring, like the golf cart rental, some of it is on assets like the playatech furniture. Camp members can see the breakdown on the Spoonsheet. Here are some different ways to look at the categories: Recurring: $1512.72Asset purchase: $1176.40 Flip Flop Forgot Shop shelves & inventory: $639.75Charcoolerie food & ice: $460.00Living Room seating, lighting, shade: $785.70 Other people also spent small amounts on decor items, gear repair supplies, shop items, etc, and those amounts are not accounted for in my records.…

  • Sanctuary

    Dreaming A Community Sanctuary

    I have this corner of my land that I think of as my Sanctuary. It’s about 3/4 an acre, mostly wooded with some open meadow-type space. There’s a composting potty, a big tent to get out of the rain, a fire circle, camp chairs and benches, 3 apples trees, nature books, and hammocks. It’s fenced in and home to 3 goats and 5 chickens. I like to hang out here gazing at the trees, playing with the bugs, identifying the birds, and shooing the goats away from trying to nibble my clothes. I’ve imagined this space as a crossroads where wild children and lazy grownups and unhindered nature can live…

  • WPW

    WPW Donation List

    At Wild Play Woods we get our best materials from things that would otherwise be “trash”, and we appreciate help from the community stocking our adventure materials. 🏠 Cleaning out your garage? We’d love to put some of your discarded stuff to good use! 🛞 Love to go thrifting? You can help us out by keeping an eye out for cool stuff! 🎁 We also take cash donations, coats/jackets, boots, and rain gear to make sure all children are able to participate in our program. Note about our environment: Since we’re always outdoors, we try not to collect things that will quickly fall apart in the weather. We focus on…

  • WPW

    What is an “Adventure Playground”?

    We call Wild Play Woods an “adventure playground” because that sounds nicer to grownups. But the original term for this concept was “junk playground”, an idea first promoted in the 1930s by Carl Theodor Sørensen, a Danish landscape architect. You know that parental lament about giving your child a fancy gift and they play with the box instead? Sørensen noticed that kids wanted to play anywhere but the fancy playgrounds he designed! After watching some kids playing at a construction site he began to imagine “A junk playground in which children could create and shape, dream and imagine a reality”.  We think that sounds AMAZING! Wild Play Woods is an…

  • WPW

    WPW Spring 2024 Membership Agreement

    Days and Hours: The 2024 Spring Session runs from April 2nd to June 11th, every Tuesday from 11am to 3pm. Program Fees: The 2024 Spring Session is $220 for the first child and $110 for each additional sibling, payable in advance. Pickup: Only people authorized on record by the parent/legal guardian may pick up a child. Please let us know ahead of time if you will be arriving late. Inclusivity: We are welcoming to families of all races, ethnicities, nationalities, gender identities, sexual orientations, socio-economic backgrounds, religions, abilities, and neurodivergences. We promote an inclusive space that recognizes and appreciates all people. Attire: Children must wear secure shoes while they are…