Life At The Wallow

A Day In The Sanctuary

Quinn and I spent 5 hours playing in Wild Sun Sanctuary this afternoon. I thought it was going to be a cool autumn day, but alas, it was 70 degrees out! What a weird feeling for November!

I worked on the electric fence. I picked up some tiny spilled craft supplies, carefully trying to dodge any goat poop on the ground! The goats haven’t been in there in weeks now, but apparently their poop isn’t going to compost any time soon. Whoops!

We spotted bugs, snails, slugs, and a bird’s nest. Quinn played scientist and dentist with my teeth, climbed trees (and fell out of one – unhurt!), Mamba visited, and I mostly reclaimed the seating around the firepit from the havoc caused by the goats.

We all ended the day tired and content.