• Quick Notes


    Joshua got a great photo of me. This is my little corner of our living room with all my clutter and all my creativity. This is SO me.

  • Quick Notes

    Quote of the Day

    ...Have you traveled very far? Far as the eye can see How often have you been there Often enough to know What did you see when you were there? Nothing that doesn't show

  • Burn Life

    SC meeting notes

    Video Chat 2/1/2024Present: Issa, Sara, Candice, Hairball, Joshua.Not present: Justin, kids Dylan and Quinn Camp name: Spoon Commune (taken from the “spoon theory” idea) Camp roles: Camp focus: Making life easier for people, including all burners through our public offerings,…

  • Writing

    Deserving Love

    Doesn’t everyone deserve love? To be loved? To be accepted? To be cared for? Over the last couple of years, I’ve watched friends go through devastating breakups, and I’ve noticed a recurring sentiment that I’d like to warn you about.…

  • Writing

    Guess I’m Gonna Talk About It

    I was 22 years old as 1999 rounded into the year 2000. I had started my path to a career as a childcare professional, but I still had one year to go as a Blockbuster manager. All 3 of my…

  • Quick Notes

    Single Digit Night

    I came to update my long-neglected website and discovered that my last post was about heat deaths and 117 degree heat. Funny. Because it’s falling below 0 in Knoxville tonight. I have the woodstove cranked, and I’m losing ground. Hopefully…

  • Quick Notes

    Thursday, August 4, 2023

    NPR said Phoenix may reach 117 degrees. The graph for heat deaths so far this year looks like the other temperature-related graphs. That uncomfortable rise and then that sudden spike that lets you know we’re in big trouble. I feel…

  • Idylissa

    I sell things

    Or I try to anyway lol. Maybe I should say I design things. Then I put them on a website and enjoy the collection of things that I’ve made. And it would be super exciting if other people bought them,…

  • a thin woman and a fat woman standing back to back wearing the same style of short blue skirt
    Quick Notes

    Fat Clothes

    I recently traveled to visit a friend and somehow failed to pack enough clothes. Halfway through my trip I found myself in sudden need of a new wardrobe. 20 years ago this would have been a crisis. The stores that…

  • Nature

    Red tailed hawk

    I clocked a red-tailed hawk today, visually, and I caught its screeches on the Merlin app. Since I started logging birds around The Wallow, I’ve found red tailed Hawks and red shouldered hawks. What I haven’t seen are coopers hawks.…